On today’s episode, Jani and Dr. Davis get personal. They discuss Jani’s recent surgery experience as well as post-op procedures and pain meds.
The Plastic Surgery Revolution Podcast
Body Image
A lot of the population struggles with body image and this includes the plastic surgery world. In this episode, Dr. Davis candidly shares his tips on feeling good about yourself.
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Be Smart and Be Safe Before Beautiful
Let’s get serious. Dr. Davis and Jani talk about some recent news in plastic surgery world that exemplifies the importance of being smart and well-informed prior to a procedure. It could even save your life.
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All In Your Head
Dr. Davis and Jani dig deep in today’s episode, discussing the psychological side of plastic surgery.
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Mind-Body Beauty
How much does looking good have to do with FEELING good? Dr. Davis and Jani Moon discuss the body-mind connection and how it relates to image, aging and overall health.
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Plastic Nation
Today, Dr. Davis and Jani are going international. This episode’s conversation takes us all over the globe, looking at how culture and beauty influence the plastic surgery industry in several different countries, as well as several other fascinating topics that have been in the news recently.
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Doing Your Due Diligence
Today Dr. Davis speaks about plastic surgeons, their training, qualifications, and everything you should know about your doctor before you go into surgery.
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Get a Lobe of This!
Dr. Davis and Jani talk about the latest in plastic surgery trends. The most popular may surprise you!