Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about Plastic Surgery and Presidential Candidates. Who had work done? Which candidate uses plastic surgery procedures to give them a more youthful appearance in the public’s eye.

Dr. Steven Davis of Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Cherry Hill, NJ sat down and discussed the issue at hand with OK Magazine.
“Joe Biden definitely had a facelift. After reviewing photos over the years the scars along the ear cartilage (tragus) is being pulled outward… most likely at least a year or so old,” board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Davis of Cherry Hill, N.J., tells OK!
To learn more about Plastic Surgery and Presidential Candidates, read the full OK Magazine article – ‘HAVE POLITICIANS JOE BIDEN & MIKE PENCE HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? DOCTOR WEIGHS IN‘
If you have questions about what Plastic Surgery Procedures may be right for you, please do not hesitate to contact the staff at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery to schedule a virtual consultation.