When we spend time discussing What You Are Hoping To Gain From Plastic Surgery, one of the main questions we pose to patients is if you do not get the results desired – Are you willing to go through more than one plastic surgery procedure?
At Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we want you to get the results you desire. Whether it is a more contoured body or looking more youthful – we are here for you. Depending on various circumstances, it may take more than one treatment or plastic surgery procedure to accomplish your goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Steven Davis discusses your treatment options. Sometimes, this may combine procedures to minimize recovery downtime and maximize the effectiveness of your visits.
When we pose the question, Are you willing to go through more than one plastic surgery procedure? We need to make sure that DCPS plans the proper course of plastic surgery treatments to ensure you are ecstatic with your results and feel amazing.
All of this information is an important consideration when researching procedures and plastic surgeons. If you wish to sit down and discuss a proper course of action specifically for you, please contact our team at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for a virtual consultation.