It’s that time of the year when a significant number of Americans resolve to get healthy and lose weight. For those who have 100 pounds or more to lose, it often becomes a question of surgical options, such as gastric bypass. But surgery doesn’t always stop there, especially when the resulting weight loss leaves behind a whole lot of hanging, empty skin. Enter Dr. Davis.
“When people gain a tremendous amount of weight, the skin stretches out,” Dr. Davis told Prevention in a recent article. “Then when they lose that weight quickly, they’re left with loose, hanging, empty skin.”
This loose skin is often removed using some combination of body lift, leg lift, arm lift and breast lift procedures.
According to Dr. Davis, “As a general rule of thumb, each of these procedures ranges from $5,000 to $15,000.” Further, each procedure requires about 2 weeks of recovery and around 8 weeks before having another.
Yes, addressing skin issues can be a lot more expensive and time consuming than the initial weight loss surgery. However, patients who have going through the whole process will tell you that they’d do it all again to achieve their results.
For Dr. Davis’ patient Antoinette Liberati, choosing to to have post weight loss plastic surgery was part of her transformative process. “Once that [excess skin] was gone, I really felt like I had accomplished something,” she told the magazine.
See the original article: “What Getting Rid of Loose Skin Is Really Like.”