If you’re looking for a little (or a lot) more oomph from your backside, the Brazilian butt lift is a highly customizable procedure with a relatively minimal recovery period. That fat is liposuction-ed out of another area of concern to facilitate the whole thing creates a kind of two-for-one scenario, where you’re contouring one spot and gaining a shapelier butt in the process.
If you’re beginning to gravitate from simply Googling the procedure to seriously considering it, there are a few things (beyond reading this blog post) you’ll want to do to make sure you’re properly prepared, mentally and physically.

Schedule a consultation
First things first, schedule consultations with a couple board-certified plastic surgeons. Feel free to meet with as many as you can, but it’s important to have some basis for comparison. You’ll better appreciate the sometimes-slight variances in demeanor and styles that way. When you start your search, let experience be your preliminary filter. Any doctor who doesn’t list the Brazilian butt lift among the procedures they perform is likely ill-equipped to help you.
Dial in your diet
In the meantime, focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet, drinking lots of water, and cutting back on (or even temporarily eliminating altogether) alcohol and desserts. While the Brazilian butt lift does include liposuction, the surgery isn’t designed to be a weight-loss procedure. You’ll want to be within about 30 pounds of what you consider to be your target weight to best position yourself to achieve the results you desire. Eating healthy also supports a strong immune system, which is going to be an important ally in your recovery.
Go into vacation-prep mode
You know how before a big vacation you’ll spend a few days making sure everything’s in order so that you won’t have to think about anything later on? Approach your procedure with the same mindset. Get your prescriptions filled, shop for a week’s worth of groceries, and start drinking prune juice or taking stool softeners. (It’ll help with any constipation that the prescriptions may cause.) At the very least, it’s peace of mind. You’ll be able to go into your procedure knowing that you can fully focus on your recovery.
And don’t be shy about contacting your plastic surgeon before or after your procedure with any questions you may have. Google may seem like it has all the answers, but only your doctor has your best interest in mind.