Be ready for the most memorable day of your life with pre-wedding plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments by Dr. Steven Davis. Rejuvenate the skin, enhance your lips or recontour your body using the DCPS Beauty Time Line. Enjoy Special bridal discounts.
Hair Wicking
Hair Wicking, it’s the new alternative to Laser Hair Removal! Using the state of the art new laser it can treat all skin types!! For more information contact us at The Laser Skin Spa at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
A little nonsurgical tune-up and toning
Grace Robinson was pleased with the size of her breasts, but the 43-year-old wanted to smooth out the fine lines and wrinkles around her decolletage.
“I just wanted it to look a little perkier, around the breast area,” said the Cherry Hill mother.
So, after a quick chat with her plastic surgeon, Steven Davis, Robinson found herself scheduled for a Pellevé Perk-up.
On a recent Wednesday afternoon, Davis spent 15 minutes gliding a wand that emitted radio frequencies over Robinson’s chest. Afterward, her cleavage was noticeably smoother and tighter. She’s definitely ready to rock a strapless dress.
For more information on this story please see our FaceBook page.
Dr. Davis on the Dr. Oz Show
If you did not get a chance to see Dr. Davis live on the Dr. Oz show talking about his new body procedure, here it is again.
In my constant search for the ultimate non-surgical procedure that gives the best results in reducing facial aging, I discovered Pelleve. A revolutionary procedure that tightens skin of the face/neck/ & hands! No down time and No pain. We recently introduced this procedure in our Laser Skin Spa and patients are very excited about their results. For more information call the office and we will send you our brochure.
For many years Plastic Surgeons have been able to safely remove unwanted fat by liposuction. The sequence of events generally remain the same…infusing numbing solution-the tumescent fluid provides anesthesia/ baths the fat cells and distends the tissues to make moving of this cannulas less traumatic.
Sometimes additional energy is needed to assist in removing the fat or to help tighten loose skin. Examples of these are:
a) UAL –Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction
An example of this is the Vaser, it helps break through the scarred tissue from previous surgery or other reasons.
b) LAL – Laser Assisted Liposuction
Examples are Smart lipo and Cool lipo. A small laser probe is used to melt fat close to the skin surface in small delicate areas such as the face, arms and neck.
c) RFAL-RadioFrequency Assisted Liposuction- BodyTite, Neck Tite – Radiofrequency energy is implemented internally as well as externally – working as a bipolar devise. The internal liposuction cannula melts the fat while simultaneously sucking out the liquefied fat. The external probe heats the skin to cause skin shrinkage and tightening for patients with loose skin and fat around the abdomen from multiple pregnancies – this technique may be an alternative for the “mommy tummy tuck”. It also works well to tighten arms and legs as well as the new Neck Tite to sculpt and tighten the neck and jowls.
Torn Earlobes
Are you getting new earrings for Valentines day but can’t get that excited because your ear lobes are stretch out, or torn or too thin? Dr Davis has designed a néw technique to restore a youthful quality to your ears.
Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Talks Brazilian Butt Lifts on Fox-29
If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your confidence, Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Cherry Hill has the procedure for you! Brazilian Butt Lifts are a rising trend lately, and with good reason. We can only find pros in this exciting new procedure. Not sure what a Brazilian Butt Lift is yet? Dr. Davis was on Fox-29, telling you all about the procedure. For those of you who missed the segment, here’s a look at what we talked about.
Brazilian Butt Lifts, or butt implants through fat injections, are a growing trend in plastic surgery. The procedure is done by transferring fat from a different part of your body, like your stomach, love handles, hips or thighs, into the muscle layers of your buttocks. We’ll use a thin cannula and perform liposuction to remove fat cells from a designated area and inject the cells into the muscle layers in order to achieve your ideal look. You will generally need about 700cc, or ½-¾ pounds of fat.
The great thing about a Brazilian Buttock Lift is that the list of pros for the procedure is a mile long! Here are some of the great things about this type of buttock augmentation:
- You will achieve a more natural appearance and feel
- There will be less scarring because the incision will be smaller than with implants
- Your healing time will be shorter
- There is no chance of rejection, as the fat being grafted is your own
Ever wonder how you can achieve a Nicki Minaj butt? This is how celebrity butts are made! Gain the confidence you desire through this procedure. Give your favorite plastic surgeon in Cherry Hill a call at (856) 424-1700 to schedule your consultation today. Don’t forget to ‘Like’ us on Facebook for more information about this procedure and more.