If you feel as if you’re getting tired of looking at your imperfections on your daily webcam calls, you’re not alone.
Now that we’re amid a pandemic and wearing masks, Dr. Steven Davis has noticed an incredible trend amongst patients. With an influx of procedures such as brow lifts, it’s clear the effects of Zoom calls and masks are hitting home hard. Don’t let a face-covering bring down your confidence! Dr. Davis is here to explain exactly why your youthful appearance all starts with your eyes.
Get your youthful appearance back and better than ever! Give this week’s episode of The Plastic Surgery Revolution a listen and learn how an eyelid lift can transform your look.
Thank you for tuning in to The Plastic Surgery Revolution. If you would like more content with Dr. Steven Davis, check out our Youtube channel. Please give us a follow on social media to keep up: Instagram / Twitter.
More Podcasts From Dr. Davis
- Dr. Davis Speaks With Dr. Ravin Patel About Sports Medicine and More
- How GLP-1 Medications Work With Dr. Davis and Taylor Farley PA-C
- Dr. Davis Dispels Plastic Surgery Myths and Misunderstandings
- The Subtle Differences Between a Lip Flip and Lip Lifts
- Dr. Davis Talks To Dr. Bradley Calobrace About All Things Plastic Surgery