Dr. Steven Davis of Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery with locations in Cherry Hill, Philadelphia, and Northfield is the leader in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery procedures and innovation.
Dr. Davis is a leader in cosmetic plastic surgery and pioneered his innovative Flash procedure. Flash (Fat Lipo Away, Same Hour) is a syringe based lypo technique invented by Dr Davis. The concept is a small pocket of fat on the right candidate can be “grabbed” and removed. This is done by applying a local anesthetic. After a “straw” is inserted into a syringe, a vacuum is created that has enough suction to remove unwanted fat. The procedure leaves the treated area devoid of fat with little instrumentation and little to no pain. The right candidate can achieve instant results at the time of treatment.
See Dr. Davis talk about FLASH on The Doctors
To learn more about FLASH or any of other Cosmetic Plastic Surgery procedures offered by Dr. Davis at Davis CPS, please call: 856.424.1700 or fill out the below form.
Contact Dr. Steven Davis