You’ve probably read a lot about the seductive lips and chiseled cheeks that fillers can create. But liquid nose jobs and jawline sculpting, two of the most popular requests for injectables, are actually not sanctioned by the FDA. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
As plastic surgeons have become more familiar with the nuances of the various fillers, including their different degrees of viscosity, lift, and longevity, they’ve become more inclined to use them in unapproved (or “off-label”) ways. Today, there’s almost no part of the body that hasn’t been enhanced by filler. These are a few of the more intriguing examples I’ve come across.

An alternative butt lift
Interest in the Brazilian butt lift has surged over the last few years. But, in order to achieve the desired results, the patient needs to have enough fat to be liposuction-ed and transferred to their butt. For those who don’t, plastic surgeons have come up with an interesting alternative: injections of Sculptra.
Sculptra induces the growth of collagen, so it’ll add a little more projection to the butt and obscure cellulite dimples in the process. It will take between three to six months to see the enhancement, and it’ll be relatively modest compared to a Brazilian butt lift, but the results will last an estimated four to five years.
Freeing the nipple
For all the attention we devote to breasts, very little is said about nipples. But they’ve become a growing source of insecurity for both men and women. In response, plastic surgeons have begun filling them for all sorts of reasons: one’s an innie and the other’s an outie, or one just sticks out further.
Typically, Restylane Defyne, a hyaluronic-based filler, is used because it’s firm enough to resist the skin’s natural tension. And those more pronounced nipples can last for six to nine months.
Walking on air
Hyaluronic fillers are FDA-approved to add volume to certain aspects of the face, as well as the backs of the hands. But, now, they’re also being used in the balls of the feet to provide additional cushion and alleviate leg and back strain. The trend’s being spurred by healthcare professionals, who can spend more than 12 hours a day on their feet.
Here, injectors turn to thicker, more robust formulations, like Juvéderm Voluma, because they’re able to absorb the constant pressure. Still, because the feet of those seeking the treatment tend to the see a lot of abuse, the filler can wear thin fairly quickly, requiring touch-ups every nine months or so. But what a difference while it lasts, they report.