We all know that nothing perfect lasts forever…or does it? Introducing the lift that just keeps on giving!
Here at our Cherry Hill, New Jersey plastic surgery office, one of the most common questions we are asked is a real and honest one. This question should typically be answered right away, but we find our patients asking it time and time again. Simple enough, people want to know, “how long will this treatment last for?”
On this week’s episode of The Plastic Surgery Revolution, Dr. Steven Davis breaks own the different procedures we offer and what you should expect regarding their longevity.
Thank you for tuning in to The Plastic Surgery Revolution as Dr. Davis covers the lift that just keeps on giving. If you would like more content with Dr. Steven Davis, check out our Youtube channel. Please give us a follow on social media to keep up: Instagram / Twitter.
More Podcasts From Dr. Davis
- Dr. Davis Speaks With Dr. Ravin Patel About Sports Medicine and More
- How GLP-1 Medications Work With Dr. Davis and Taylor Farley PA-C
- Dr. Davis Dispels Plastic Surgery Myths and Misunderstandings
- The Subtle Differences Between a Lip Flip and Lip Lifts
- Dr. Davis Talks To Dr. Bradley Calobrace About All Things Plastic Surgery