Here at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery we do not lump Injectables into one big pile, even though their qualities and uses can vary significantly. One in particular that stands out for us is Sculptra because it’s made of poly-L-lactic acid (rather than hyaluronic acid) and it works with your body to regrow collagen, which is unique among wrinkle treatments.
Sculptra is approved by the FDA for filling wrinkles and reducing hollow, sunken cheeks and temples. Because it tasks your body with making collagen, it can take longer to see results than it does with hyaluronic acid fillers, but the effects will last much longer. Which also means that, as a side benefit, Sculptra tends to be less expensive overall than hyaluronic fillers for patients who need a lot of volume replenished.
“When applied correctly, Sculptra looks positively natural,” says Dr. Steven Davis. This is why it’s imperceptible. “Since it is slowly and steadily building support for your skin, no one would ever be able to tell you’ve had it injected.”

What’s the treatment like?
Sculptra injections are similar to just about every other kind of filler injection. There may be some mild discomfort, which can be mitigated with a topical numbing agent. After the injections are completed, your plastic surgeon will massage your face for a few minutes, to ensure the Sculptra is distributed evenly among the targeted areas.
Following the procedure, some mild swelling, bruising, and soreness around the injection sites is normal. But all of that should clear up fairly quickly. In the meantime, it shouldn’t be anything significant enough to keep you from your regular activities.
When will I see the results?
Most patients of DCPS tend to look great right after injections. But, gradually, those effects will wear off. And after a couple of days, you should look much like you did before the treatment. That doesn’t mean the treatment didn’t take. All the while, your skin is using the poly-L-lactic acid to produce new, natural collagen.
You should begin to notice a difference within a week or two of your treatment. Usually, it’ll take between four to eight weeks to see the full effects of your injections. And while that may sound like an eternity, consider the bigger picture: Those results will last for two to three years.
If you’re on the fence about a facelift, Sculptra may prove to be the perfect bridge. Please consult the team at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for a consultation, or if you have any questions.