Once you had your consultation with Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and scheduled your procedure, your homework doesn’t end there. Our patients are often surprised to learn just how much of their recovery from their treatment impacts their results. While we are there to guide you through the process, whether it’s a few days or a few weeks, there are some things you can do beforehand that will enable you to fully focus on your recovery when the time comes.

Get organized
Everyone recovers at their own pace, but I’ll give you a general idea of how long you should expect yours to last. For your part, make a list of all the errands you’d normally run during that period and plan to take care of them during the days prior to your procedure. Allot time, too, for cleaning your home and scheduling pet or childcare. Basically, act like you’re leaving for an extended, exotic vacation.
Make time for yourself
But don’t let all of your time be absorbed by chores. Ideally, try to have all of that taken care of within two to three days of your procedure. Then use the remaining time to focus on yourself. Even less invasive procedures can induce a certain amount of stress. So try to do things that will relax you. We recommend getting a massage, or taking a couple virtual restorative yoga classes. We often find calm patients consistently heal the fastest.
Be patient with your recovery. You’ve done everything you could to position yourself for the best possible outcome. Think of the recovery as one more extension of that commitment.
That means not only giving yourself a break but also remembering that we’re in this together. The post-treatment instructions I’ll provide you, while they may feel a bit restrictive at times, they’re meant to help you achieve a great outcome and keep you safe in the meantime.
Limit your time online
Google and social media may have been great resources during your preparation, but they can also stir up a lot of unnecessary anxiety. If you have any lingering questions or concerns about your procedure, don’t hesitate to call or email me. The problem with relying on the internet for those sorts of things is it can be quite disorienting. Every review, testimonial, and post is presented matter-of-factly, when in reality, there’s nuance in the context that influences every procedure.
As always the staff at Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery is here to answer any and all questions and set you up for the best success — we want you to look and feel your best.