[Good Day Philadelphia Weekend (Aug 10, 2019, WTXFDT)]
Watch Cherry Hill Plastic Surgeon discuss the values of a Good Skin Diet and how it is possible to eat your way to healthy skin.
Video Transcription:
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven L. Davis D.O on Good Day Philadelphia Weekend (Aug 10, 2019, WTXFDT)
People tend to change what they eat for different reasons. But have you ever heard of a good skin diet researchers have found fitting certain foods into your daily routine can help fix your face, especially when it comes to wrinkles. plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Davis agrees and also add it’s not just what you eat, but also what you should avoid. Good morning. Thanks a lot. Hi, how you doing? I’m good. You’re going to start with the age advances that things that you think sometimes add a little age to our skin?
Absolutely. Because you know, we’re putting stuff on our skin every single day to make us look younger. Yes, better. And if you’re doing things internally by eating certain foods that are kind of going against that it’s a bad idea. Right. So some of the things that we know right off the bat, processed meats, yeah, things in it like sulfites that are actually breaking down our own collagen, fatty kinds of foods, like heavy starches, do the same thing. But one of the other things that most people really don’t think about when you’re thinking about, like sodas, and if you’re drinking real sugary soda, radio ads can be good, right? Yeah. But if you’re even drinking diet type Coke, yes, and sodas and things like that. That’s also bad for you. Because it’s destroying the lot of the things that we’re doing inside. One of the big things that we’re doing is plastic surgeons is we’re using our own body and your own body materials. So we can take your blood, spin it down. Yes. reinjected into your face, put it into your hair so that your hair starts Well,
If your blood is full of sugar and bad thing. It’s not going to work as well.
We can take our own body fat, and like transfer from places where you don’t want it to be. Yeah. And put it in places like you do want.
But if that fat is unhealthy, it’s not going to work as well, either. So that’s when we start thinking about what kinds of foods can we actually do? And put almost like an internal protection, okay, against things like sun damage, right? pollution?
And we’re talking men and women, right? absolute right. I know, a lot of times people think skin, we just think women, but it’s men and women. And again, when we’re thinking about skin, I think as a plastic surgeon, we think about skin all the time about wrinkles and things but it also is like a little window to what you’re doing to your organs inside God because things that actually make your collagen and your cells stronger are actually working to make your liver and your heart and other things inside proper letter. I like one of the things that we love our good fats, okay. Things like avocados are wonderful fat, okay, they have great sources of vitamin A, and people that have problems with their skin. If you have like, a lot of acne problems, yeah, prone to being acting Pro. You can use this and it actually regulates your Sieben production, like your oil production. That’s good to know, things like tomatoes, another wonderful source of almost like an internal way of wearing sunscreen. You know, every plastic surgeon dermatologist, they’ll tell you, you got to put a lot of sunscreen because of the UVA UVB rays, right? Well just think if you can actually eat something that was almost like a scavenger inside your body that’s working from the inside out. Exactly. Okay, that’s the same thing with carrots and things like beta carotene. Those things also are like absorbing all those bad UVA and UVB rays that are coming into your body. They’re working in your body to kind of like scavenger hunt.
And we also know proteins always good.
Proteins are probably the building blocks of our skin. Two big things in our skin are collagen and elastin. Both of those things are proteins. So the more protein that you can actually furnish to your body, you’re actually building better structure so that you look younger, and
Dr. Steven Davis, let me make sure I understand this, the more we age, the collagen starts to break down, right? So you need more protein to kind of help build that back up exact and the reason why it’s breaking down is because our cells are being like attacked all the time by things like bad food. Yeah, like sun damage and things like that. If we can actually protect ourselves and make the cells turnover quicker into a healthier thing. We’re doing a great idea. I love this.
Dr. Steven Davis in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia. Thanks for joining us. Thank you very much. I love this. Eat your way to good skin guys.