Within the past few months, we’ve noticed a trend with males coming in looking to have a specific part of the body looked at. Particularly through virtual consultations, men have reached out to our practice with concerns over the appearance of their “man boobs.” As this common issue plagues many males across the country, we encourage you to reach out to Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery with any questions you may have.
There are several reasons why “man boobs” remain prevalent on males as they age. But don’t worry, we’re here to remind you that you are not alone in this struggle. Our team is excited to offer treatment options that have never been better!
So, if you feel as if this is your calling to finally make changes to your “man boobs,” give us a call or contact us to set-up a virtual consultation. Chiseled pecs are just an email away!
Thank you for tuning in to The Plastic Surgery Revolution on how we can eliminate the appearance of your “man boobs.” If you would like more content with Dr. Steven Davis, check out our Youtube channel. Please give us a follow on social media to keep up: Instagram / Twitter.