The 3-T’s of AgeJET:
Tone, Texture, & Tightening!

Special Introductory Offer: 25% off Any AgeJET Treatment!
Schedule a Consultation Today!

Davis Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Davis CPS is the leader in the latest injectables,
surgical, and non-surgical body contouring treatments.
With more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Steven Davis is a leader in the aesthetic industry, in injectables and the most innovative surgical and non-surgical procedures. AgeJET is a non-invasive, FDA approved plasma based skin regeneration treatment that helps stimulate collage and elastin production.
The treatment can be used on the face, neck, chest, hands, and eyes to treat fine and deep lines, sagging skin, poor skin tone, photo damage and much more. AgeJET is customizable depending on the amount of downtime you have and the concerns you’re looking to treat.